
Here I like to present infos and scans of manga versions of Alcott's "Little Women"
Manga that is Japanese black&white comics, is a very special way to present stories. Style and presentation may be quite unfamiliar to most western fans, but once you get accustomed to it you can really adore this kind of art.

All infos based on Moro-oka's "Alcott in Japan" bibliography, published 1999 in "Little Women and the Feminist Imagination" . Many thanks to the author Beverly Clark, who sent me this data through the Little Women Mailinglist.

Manga Publications in Japan

Yoko KITASHIMA (1976, 1989)
Midori MISUZU (1977)
Sanae TOKIMATSU (1989, reprinted 1995)
Yun KOUGA (1989)

The Little Women Manga by Yun KOUGA


click for bigger cover

Here I like to present you some scans from the Little Women manga by Yun KOUGA which I got as a present from a very kind Japanese High School teacher. The scans show the scene where Jo recognizes that her manuscript disappeared and she learns that Amy burned it...
Keep in mind that you have to read the scans from right to left, because that's the way Japanese books are printed.
I'll add translations later, but you should get the idea.

